Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialize in female reproductive health. The specialists diagnose and treat everything concerning women’s health that involves the breasts, uterus, ovaries, cervix, and other components of the reproductive system. Every woman must visit a gynaecologist for healthy life and should consult Obstetrics during different stages of pregnancy.

We specialize in providing expert care to women when they experience any concerns related to their reproductive health or pregnancy issues.

Deliveries (Normal/Caesarean)

Delivering a baby brings with it a plethora of emotions. Would be mother experiences fear, excitement, and many other emotions. Expert care can make this process less fearful and tiring for the lady.

Our experts examine every aspect of the patient’s health during delivery. They help patients to undergo the difficult phase of vaginal delivery. However, if necessary, they recommend assisted delivery. We have experts making labour a straightforward, uncomplicated process, and at the same time, they are ready for emergency delivery procedures like caesarean. The experts recommend caesarean if vaginal delivery can be risky for the mother or child. Caesarean involves delivering the baby through surgical incisions in the abdomen and the uterus.


MTP & Contraception

Women sometimes may not feel ready to bear a child and want to remove it before it develops into a baby within her body. Sometimes, medical reasons like an abnormal baby or delivery may bring life-threatening complications to the mother. In such situations is the need for the termination of pregnancy. Our experts at Goodwill hospital provide MTP services. They evaluate different pregnancy-related aspects and accordingly suggest ways for its termination. It can be medical or surgical.

Contraceptive measures help sexually active couples avoid unwanted pregnancy. We advocate and educate the use of different contraceptive measures depending on individual needs and preferences. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages that the experts tell the couple and implement them accordingly.


Infertility Treatment

Infertility is the inability to bear a child. It is because of the defect in male or female reproductive organs. It is a concern when it takes away the happiness and joy of the couple who want to decide the number, timing, and spacing of their children. We at Goodwill Hospital address the issue and have helped many couples to look for alternatives available to them. These measures help many to cherish their dream of being parents.

In our hospital, we have Infertility Curable measures available for both men and women, also assisted reproductive technology is gaining pace and rising hope for many couples.


Menstrual/Menopausal Disorders

Menstrual and Menopausal Disorders bring a lot of physical and emotional changes. Some women experience no significant physical change in their cycle of monthly periods and less or manageable emotional swings. However, other women may experience heavy bleeding, missed periods, and unmanageable mood swings. Our experts recommend the treatment depending on the diagnosis and cause of the problem. Many times, results improve with the use of over-the-counter medication. Sometimes surgery becomes a necessity.


Gynae and Laparoscopic surgery

Gynaecological Laparoscopic surgery help patients to heal and recover fast. In laparoscopic surgery, small incisions take less time for recovery and reduce the risk of infection and excessive loss of blood. It facilitates both diagnosis and treatment. Our experts are using laparoscopy in diagnosing and treating many of the concerns associated with female reproductive organs.